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Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's... still... ALIVE!!!


Yup, you read the title right up there. Jima-san here, reporting that the HobbyBox is still very much alive and well. It went on temporary hiatus due to real life duties butting in...

Pictured: real life.

...and then it soon overwhelmed me a bit...

Pictured: real life overwhelming me.

Anyway, that's all done and gone. The HobbyBox is being revived, slowly but surely, so to all who still stuck with us despite the dreary time you had waiting for something new... KATAJIKENAI.

As for everyone else who've just stumbled onto this blog, and all those who are yet to stumble onto it, Stay tuned to us here, as we bring you more of the things you love, we love, and, most importantly, I LOVE.


That's definitely something to cheer about, Tako-Mugi...

2 blabs:

The Raipo said...


Yeah let's get this show on the road!

Jima-san said...

Oh how I WISH I'm paid to suplex things for a living...

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